How does CrowdPress.It work?

Quite simply, Crowd Press is a forum for budding journalists and photographers to share their work with the world, and for clients ranging from news agencies to corporate websites to find unique photographs and great content exactly when they need it. You wouldn’t expect to get all your news from one source, so why not crowdsource it?

Submit a report

At, we don’t believe in barriers to the sharing of great content. By signing up to, anyone can be a journalist with just a little creativity, insight and skill. No qualifications are needed – just an eye for a great angle, a nose for the latest happenings and a creative take on the hottest events.

Submitting your work to Crowd Press is absolutely free. Once you sign up, you’ll become part of a Europe-wide network of contributors, all of whom are entitled to post the content of their choice.

Our staff will verify the media and professional journalists and newspapers will eventually buy the best contributions. You will get credits and money.

What can I submit?

We currently accept written reports or articles, photographs and video. All work submitted must be your own, and we take copyright very seriously. Any plagiarised or falsified work will be removed immediately. Reports should relate up-to-the-minute events, whether they are cultural, political, environmental or societal. This is a pretty wide brief, but the key word is contemporary. Reports must be submitted within a maximum of 5 days after the event has occurred (where relevant).

Once submitted, your content will be subject to a review period to ensure it meets our quality, legal and privacy guidelines.

Once approved, all content will be watermarked with the contributor’s details and posted on the site. You must agree with our terms and conditions to post.